Date | Who | What | Details |
10/25/2020 | George | Added additional CSS to decrease spacing between widgets on the sidebar | .widget-title { line-height: 0; } |
10/25/2020 | George | Black Studios TinyMCE Widget | Provides WSYWIG editor for widgets |
10/25/2020 | George | Created Visual Editor widgets and composed lists Hid the original widget “Announcements” |
“Announcements” “News” “Chapter Activities” “Past Events” |
10/25/2020 | George | Correct link to EAA’s “IMC Club” | |
10/26/2020 | George | Additional CSS to color links on pages and sidebar widgest to BLUE and visited links to Green | .widget .textwidget { color: black; } .widget .textwidget a:link { color: blue } .widget .textwidget a:visited { color: green; } .entry-content a:hover, .entry-content a:visited{ color: green; } .entry-content a:link { color: blue } |
10/27/2020 | George | Additional CSS to color links on the Menus BLUE | .main-navigation a:link { color: blue; } .main-navigation a:visited { color: blue; } |
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