Fly the Ford Tri-Motor – Apr 4-7, 2024

Many people joined us for Food, History, the Aircraft – TRIPLE Fun!

And Great Fun it was!

Tin Lizzies and Goose
Tin Lizzies and Goose
Waiting out the wind
Waiting out the wind
Tin Lizzies joined in
Tin Lizzies joined in
EAA Ford Tri_motor
EAA Ford Tri_motor
Fly the Ford!
Fly the Ford!
Tin Lizzie
Tin Lizzie
Ready to Fly!
Ready to Fly!
Member Displays
Member Displays
Hot Dogs!
Hot Dogs!
Let's Do it!
Let's Do it!
Aviation Enthusiasts, History Buffs!
Aviation Enthusiasts, History Buffs!
Cavalcade of Wings
Cavalcade of Wings
Sharing History
Sharing History
Monitoring the Crowd
Monitoring the Crowd
Look Mom!
Look Mom!
So beautiful!
So beautiful!
Volunteers Support the Tour
Volunteers Support the Tour
Spectators Galore!
Spectators Galore!
Let's Fly!
Let's Fly!
Pink Ear Protection!
Pink Ear Protection!
Brought pilot Mom along, a 99
Brought pilot Mom along, a 99
So Cool!
So Cool!
Captain Ed Kornfield
Captain Ed Kornfield
Awesome 179 Volunteers!
Awesome 179 Volunteers!
Come Fly With Us! Chapter Display
Come Fly With Us! Chapter Display
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
1929 penny and TWA wings!
1929 penny and TWA wings!
Volunteers sell TriMotor Gear
Volunteers sell TriMotor Gear
End of Tour DieHard Volunteers
End of Tour DieHard Volunteers
Ollie & Gino, ABQ Journal
Ollie & Gino, ABQ Journal
Past Young Eagles Return!
Past Young Eagles Return!
179's Air Academy Recipient
179's Air Academy Recipient
Shiny New Wings!
Shiny New Wings!

Saturday: No flying, so attendees visited hangar with Ford Model A Club

Hangar Queen Saturday
Hangar Queen Saturday
By Jeri Burzin
Ground tours in the hangar
Ground tours in the hangar
By Jeri Burzin
Fords visit the Ford
Fords visit the Ford
By Jeri Burzin
Pilot directs to positions
Pilot directs to positions
By Jeri Burzin
Fords Together
Fords Together
By Jeri Burzin
Ford Model A Club
Ford Model A Club
By Jeri Burzin
Looking the Look!
Looking the Look!
By Jeri Burzin
Model A Ford Visit
Model A Ford Visit
By Jeri Burzin
Ground Tours - too gusty to fly
Ground Tours - too gusty to fly
By Jeri Burzin
Poco Quatros
Poco Quatros
By Jeri Burzin
Looking out
Looking out
By Jeri Burzin
Nail Polish Inspired
Nail Polish Inspired
By Jeri Burzin
All lined up
All lined up
By Jeri Burzin

Thursday April 4:  2 – 5pm
Friday April 5 – Sunday, April 7:  8am – 4pm
Double Eagle II Airport, Albuquerque

Fly the Ford!   $99 Adults; $75 for 17 and under
Book Your Flight online!
Tickets are for a particular day, seating is first come, first served. Tickets can also be purchased on site.

Bring the family and your camera; history displays and viewing the aircraft is FREE. Also invited are period Ford automobiles for limited times, Fri – Sun.  Join us for hotdog lunch 11-1:30 Fri-Sun!

General History & Info – Ford Tri-Motor Tour

Directions to Double Eagle II Airport:   Take I-40 or Paseo del Norte west to Atrisco Vista Blvd.  Follow airport signs to main parking lot (FREE Parking).  7401 Atrisco Vista Blvd NW; Albuquerque, NM  87120

Join us to celebrate the visit of a 1929 Ford Tri-Motor 5-AT-E to Albuquerque, at the Double Eagle II airport (on the west mesa). This is an example of an aircraft that helped develop the first commercial air service across the United States. If you joined us in 2017-18, we hosted the “Liberty” Tri-Motor.  This is EAA’s aircraft with Eastern Airlines markings, tied to its history.  It flies at AirVenture in Oshkosh every year.

This relic of aviation history, affectionately called the “Tin Goose”, was the largest civilian passenger aircraft of its time.  Albuquerque shares this unique history, serving as a key stop along the 1920’s Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) route.  Still remaining are concrete arrows, foundations for navigation beacons which guided pilots along the route.

History Presentations and Displays

Friday – Sunday displays by the Albuquerque Cavalcade of Wings and the CCHS Airway Heritage Museum at the Grants-Milan Airport will highlight related aviation history.  Displays will include various model trimotor aircraft designs with ties to Albuquerque, early navigation methods, New Mexico’s TAT role, and remaining area beacon stations and concrete arrows.

EAA Ford TriMotor Inside

Experience the elegance!  EAA’s Ford Tri-Motor interior

EAA Ford TriMotor

Fly EAA’s Ford Tri-Motor at Albuquerque’s Double Eagle II Airport on the west side! 


Get your photo with a flying piece of history!  Liberty Tri-Motor

For weather updates, check our Facebook page:

The Liberty Tri-Motor visited Albuquerque back in 2018. See the announcement and photos from that visit.

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by gyoungiii