Information for Prospective Scholarship Applicants

Youth and Young Adult Aviation Scholarships

If you are serious about a future in aviation and between the ages of 15 and 25, consider preparing to apply for 2025 Scholarships. Watch here later this year for announcements about the application deadline and other information.

How to Apply

Submit your application online via the electronic application form accessed by the link above.
—- The maximum award per individual for 2024 is $2,000.
—- HINT:   Start early! Review requirements in advance.
—- If you have any difficulty with this application process or the form itself, contact us at

How Can These Scholarships Be Used?

The Albuquerque Chapter 179 of the Experimental Aircraft Association presents annual scholarship awards to candidates pursuing aviation education including flight training, A&P certification, etc. Applicants must be between the ages of 15 and 25 years of age and residents of New Mexico. The amount and number of grants are determined each year and contingent on available funding. Applications must be received by February 15, 2024. Recipients will be notified and awarded certificates at a chapter event in March or April.  Scholarships must be focused on their aviation endeavors and are paid directly to the school or instructor on behalf of the student recipient.

Examples of how these funds can be used are:
—- Working toward certification, including CFI fees, and aircraft rental or tuition
—- FAA testing fees
—- FAA textbooks, review guides, and such

Scholarship funds are not used for general studies and school expenses.  Chapter 179 has awarded over $70,000 over the past 10 years!  Good luck; we relish the opportunity to support you in your aviation endeavors!