DEAA: Recruiting Panelists for “Careers in Aviation”

What’s Next?
Manuela Thompson, EAA 179 Member

Are you a past EAA scholarship recipient, or past DEAA students, or in the midst of pursuing an aviation career?

Would you like to give back to the wonderful folks of EAA 179? Of course you would!

We have all seen the faces of young people light up after taking a Young Eagles flight or the Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) summer camp. They have stars in their eyes and maybe think they want to be a pilot or something along those lines, but just don’t know quite the next step. And parents are wondering, oh my, how do I make that happen and how much does it cost?

We have many people in our chapter that have done just that, taken the next step, to become pilots or mechanics. So we thought, let’s bring in the current generation of aviators, maybe just a few years past high school, to share their fresh real-life experiences, with our possible next generation of aviators.

At the 2021 DEAA summer camp this year, we are working on putting a group of people together, to help share their information and knowledge of what it takes to pursue aviation careers.

We would like you (and your parents too, because we know parents play a huge role in making all this happen) to share what you know about the requirements, the education, the financing, military options, etc… It will be a casual panel discussion as part of the graduation ceremony on the last day of the camp, Friday, June 18th, between 2-4pm, at Double Eagle Airport.

This idea was the brainchild of Manuela Thompson, who’s daughter Madison, an avid participant in EAA 179 activities since age 14, is graduating Kansas State University this year with a Professional Pilot bachelor’s degree. Madison still has a road ahead of her to reach her ultimate goal of flying for the airlines, but is well on her way, and her Mom & Dad will be sharing what they have learned. We will also have a recent graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University on the panel to share his experiences.

We would love your help!

Please contact Manuela Thompson by sending eMail to if you can help or know of someone who can.

Thanks so much!
Manuela Thompson

Last Updated on August 22, 2021 by gyoungiii