Category Archives: DEAA

Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA 2025)

EAA Chapter 179 Presents
Double Eagle Aviation Academy 2025
June 2 – 6, 2025 at Double Eagle II Airport

A great group of students attended this year’s DEAA in 2024.
Click here to download DEAA 2024 Photo History (.pdf)

Our 10th Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) offers another fun and challenging week at the airport!  Students ages 14 – 17 will explore a future in aviation. Students will learn about many facets of flying and airplanes:

  • learn about career opportunities in aviation from professionals
  • learn and practice reading weather reports
  • learn how to control pitch, roll, and yaw
  • learn the importance of balancing weight in the plane
  • learn and practice interpreting the instrument “Six Pack”
  • learn how aluminum structures are designed to be strong
  • learn what is inside the motors of airplanes
  • learn the legs of a traffic pattern
  • learn and practice communicating at non-towered and towered airports
  • learn and practice assembling a simple electrical wiring circuit
  • learn and practice riveting and rolling aluminum to make part of an aileron
  • learn and practice conducting an aircraft pre-flight inspection
  • learn and practice planning a flight
  • visit the Double Eagle control tower

Doors open at 8:15 AM with time to meet pilots and spend time seeing and talking about different airplanes each morning. Class starts at 9:00 AM. Morning and afternoon snacks and lunch are provided. Each day ends at 4:15 PM. Each student receives a workbook for future reference. If you are interested in aviation, this is an exceptional opportunity to discover the vast possibilities. On Saturday, students are invited to fly with a volunteer pilot on a route they plan during the week.

Questions?  Let us know.  Contact us at 
Download DEAA 2025 Poster    


PAYMENT for Accepted Students only:   PAY $225 TUITION HERE

Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) V1

Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) offers fun and challenging week at the Double Eagle II airport!  Students ages 14 – 17 will explore a future in aviation. Students will learn about many facets of flying and airplanes:

  • learn about career opportunities in aviation from professionals
  • learn and practice reading weather reports
  • learn how to control pitch, roll, and yaw
  • learn the importance of balancing weight in the plane
  • learn and practice interpreting the instrument “Six Pack”
  • learn how aluminum structures are designed to be strong
  • learn what is inside the motors of airplanes
  • learn the legs of a traffic pattern
  • learn and practice communicating at non-towered and towered airports
  • learn and practice assembling a simple electrical wiring circuit
  • learn and practice riveting and rolling aluminum to make part of an aileron
  • learn and practice conducting an aircraft pre-flight inspection
  • learn and practice planning a flight
  • visit the Double Eagle control tower
  • fly with one of our Chapter pilots on a special Young Eagles flight on the Saturday following

Each day begins at 8;15 AM finishing at 4:15 PM. Morning and afternoon snacks and lunch are provided. Each student receives a workbook for future reference.

  • Upon arrival each morning, students assemble on the aircraft parking area where they can inspect and sit in a few airplanes (different airplanes each day), and to talk with pilots about the airplanes and flying. On the first day, they conduct a typical preflight inspection of an airplane, a standard practice prior to each flight.
  • At 0900 classroom activities get under way with discussions about many of today’s flying activities and to hear first-hand from representatives representing career opportunities in civilian, commercial, and military aviation.
  • Many days include hands-on activities such as building a part for an airplane, learning and practicing the basics of radio communications, and procedures for flying in an airport traffic pattern.
  • Before the week is out, students will create a flight plan for flying from Double Eagle II to the Belen airport. Oh, on Saturday each student will fly with one of the Chapter pilots .. following the flight plan which they created.

On Friday afternoon, family and friends are invited to attend a “graduation ceremony”. Representatives from local organizations will be on hand to talk about educational opportunities for students seeking ways to further their interest in aviation. If you are interested in in any aspect of aviation, this is an exceptional opportunity to discover the vast possibilities.

Questions?  Let us know.  Contact us at 


DEAA was first offered in 2013, created by Joyce Woods who has overseen the program since then.

DEAA 2019 Memories  

Thanks to the over 50 chapter volunteers, guest speakers, pilots with aircraft displays, donors, and reception participants!  And especially thanks for an attentive group of students and supportive parents!  

DEAA 2017 – A week to remember!

KUDOS to the over 50 volunteers from the area pilot community who annually share their time, aircraft, enthusiasm, experience, and advice with DEAA students!  

Thanks to our over 50 volunteers and generous DEAA sponsors!   
Aspen Avionics, Van’s AircraftDavid Clark, Aircraft Spruce, Bode Aviation, NMDOT Aviation Division, The City of Albuquerque,  Best Buy (Eubank), Costco (Coors Bypass), Smiths (Golf Course Rd) and several individual EAA179 members and friends who donated student tuition.

Updated 06/10/2021-jmw

Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA)

Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) offers fun and challenging week at the Double Eagle II airport!  Students ages 14 – 17 will explore a future in aviation. Students will learn about many facets of flying and airplanes:

  • learn about career opportunities in aviation from professionals
  • learn and practice reading weather reports
  • learn how to control pitch, roll, and yaw
  • learn the importance of balancing weight in the plane
  • learn and practice interpreting the instrument “Six Pack”
  • learn how aluminum structures are designed to be strong
  • learn what is inside the motors of airplanes
  • learn the legs of a traffic pattern
  • learn and practice communicating at non-towered and towered airports
  • learn and practice assembling a simple electrical wiring circuit
  • learn and practice riveting and rolling aluminum to make part of an aileron
  • learn and practice conducting an aircraft pre-flight inspection
  • learn and practice planning a flight
  • visit the Double Eagle control tower
  • fly with one of our Chapter pilots on a special Young Eagles flight on the Saturday following

Each day begins at 8;15 AM when the students assemble on the aircraft parking area (that is 0815 hours in aviation parlance). Before classes start, they have the opportunity to inspect and sit in a few airplanes (different airplanes each day), and to talk with pilots about the airplanes and flying. On the first day, they conduct a typical preflight inspection of an airplane, standard practice prior to each flight.

At 0900 classroom activities get under way with presentations about many of today’s flying activities and hear first-hand from representatives representing career opportunities in civilian, commercial, and military aviation. Many days include hands-on activities such as building a part for an airplane, learning and practicing the basics of radio communications and procedures for flying in an airport traffic pattern. Before the week is out, students will create a flight plan for flying from Double Eagle II to the Belen airport. Oh, on Saturday each student will fly with one of the Chapter pilots .. following the flight plan which they created.

Each day there will be morning and afternoon snacks and lunch will be provided. The days will end at 4:15 PM (1615 hours). Each student receives a workbook for future reference.

On Friday afternoon, family and friends are invited to attend a “graduation ceremony’ and to talk with representatives from local organizations about educational opportunities for students that are interested in furthering their interest in aviation. If you are interested in aviation, this is an exceptional opportunity to discover the vast possibilities.

Questions?  Let us know.  Contact us at 


DEAA was first offered in 2013, created by Joyce Woods who has overseen the program since then.

DEAA 2019 Memories  

Thanks to the over 50 chapter volunteers, guest speakers, pilots with aircraft displays, donors, and reception participants!  And especially thanks for an attentive group of students and supportive parents!  

DEAA 2017 – A week to remember!

KUDOS to the over 50 volunteers from the area pilot community who annually share their time, aircraft, enthusiasm, experience, and advice with DEAA students!  

Thanks to our over 50 volunteers and generous DEAA sponsors!   
Aspen Avionics, Van’s AircraftDavid Clark, Aircraft Spruce, Bode Aviation, NMDOT Aviation Division, The City of Albuquerque,  Best Buy (Eubank), Costco (Coors Bypass), Smiths (Golf Course Rd) and several individual EAA179 members and friends who donated student tuition.

Updated 06/10/2021-jmw

Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA 2024)

EAA Chapter 179 Presents
Double Eagle Aviation Academy 2024
June 3 – 7, 2024 at Double Eagle II Airport
A great group of students attended this year’s DEAA.
Click here to download DEAA 2024 Photo History (.pdf)

Our 10th Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) offers another fun and challenging week at the airport!  Students ages 14 – 17 will explore a future in aviation. Students will learn about many facets of flying and airplanes:Download DEAA 2024 Poster

  • learn about career opportunities in aviation from professionals
  • learn and practice reading weather reports
  • learn how to control pitch, roll, and yaw
  • learn the importance of balancing weight in the plane
  • learn and practice interpreting the instrument “Six Pack”
  • learn how aluminum structures are designed to be strong
  • learn what is inside the motors of airplanes
  • learn the legs of a traffic pattern
  • learn and practice communicating at non-towered and towered airports
  • learn and practice assembling a simple electrical wiring circuit
  • learn and practice riveting and rolling aluminum to make part of an aileron
  • learn and practice conducting an aircraft pre-flight inspection
  • learn and practice planning a flight
  • visit the Double Eagle control tower

Doors open at 8:15 AM with time to meet pilots and spend time seeing and talking about different airplanes each morning. Class starts at 9:00 AM. Morning and afternoon snacks and lunch are provided. Each day ends at 4:15 PM. Each student receives a workbook for future reference. If you are interested in aviation, this is an exceptional opportunity to discover the vast possibilities. On Saturday, students are invited to fly with a volunteer pilot on a route they plan during the week.

Questions?  Let us know.  Contact us at 

Download DEAA 2024 Poster    


PAYMENT for Accepted Students only:   PAY $200 TUITION HERE

Double Eagle Aviation Academy 2022 (DEAA)

EAA Chapter 179 Presents
Double Eagle Aviation Academy 2022
June 6 – 10, 2022 at Double Eagle II Airport

Participants are invited for a Young Eagles flight June 11
Applicants must be between 14 and 17 years of age.
Application deadline has passed. Watch for 2023 program!      
Download Application here.

Our 8th Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) offers another fun and challenging week at the airport!  Students ages 14 – 17 will explore a future in aviation. Students will learn about many facets of flying and airplanes:

  • learn about career opportunities in aviation from professionals
  • learn and practice reading weather reports
  • learn how to control pitch, roll, and yaw
  • learn the importance of balancing weight in the plane
  • learn and practice interpreting the instrument “Six Pack”
  • learn how aluminum structures are designed to be strong
  • learn what is inside the motors of airplanes
  • learn the legs of a traffic pattern
  • learn and practice communicating at non-towered and towered airports
  • learn and practice assembling a simple electrical wiring circuit
  • learn and practice riveting and rolling aluminum to make part of an aileron
  • learn and practice conducting an aircraft pre-flight inspection
  • learn and practice planning a flight
  • visit the Double Eagle control tower
  • fly with one of our Chapter members on a special Young Eagles rally on the Saturday following

The doors will open at 8:15 AM with time to meet pilots and spend time talking about and sitting in different airplanes each morning. Class starts at 9:00 AM. There will be morning and afternoon snacks and lunch is provided. Each day will end at 4:15 PM. A student notebook with the contents of all the presentations is provided to each student. If you are interested in aviation, this is an exceptional opportunity to discover the possibilities.

Questions?  Let us know.  Contact us at 

Download Flyer (pdf) and the Application form (pdf) here. 

To pay tuition for students who have been notified of acceptance:

DEAA: Recruiting Panelists for “Careers in Aviation”

What’s Next?
Manuela Thompson, EAA 179 Member

Are you a past EAA scholarship recipient, or past DEAA students, or in the midst of pursuing an aviation career?

Would you like to give back to the wonderful folks of EAA 179? Of course you would!

We have all seen the faces of young people light up after taking a Young Eagles flight or the Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) summer camp. They have stars in their eyes and maybe think they want to be a pilot or something along those lines, but just don’t know quite the next step. And parents are wondering, oh my, how do I make that happen and how much does it cost?

We have many people in our chapter that have done just that, taken the next step, to become pilots or mechanics. So we thought, let’s bring in the current generation of aviators, maybe just a few years past high school, to share their fresh real-life experiences, with our possible next generation of aviators.

At the 2021 DEAA summer camp this year, we are working on putting a group of people together, to help share their information and knowledge of what it takes to pursue aviation careers.

We would like you (and your parents too, because we know parents play a huge role in making all this happen) to share what you know about the requirements, the education, the financing, military options, etc… It will be a casual panel discussion as part of the graduation ceremony on the last day of the camp, Friday, June 18th, between 2-4pm, at Double Eagle Airport.

This idea was the brainchild of Manuela Thompson, who’s daughter Madison, an avid participant in EAA 179 activities since age 14, is graduating Kansas State University this year with a Professional Pilot bachelor’s degree. Madison still has a road ahead of her to reach her ultimate goal of flying for the airlines, but is well on her way, and her Mom & Dad will be sharing what they have learned. We will also have a recent graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University on the panel to share his experiences.

We would love your help!

Please contact Manuela Thompson by sending eMail to if you can help or know of someone who can.

Thanks so much!
Manuela Thompson

Double Eagle Aviation Academy 2021 (DEAA)

Double Eagle Aviation Academy 2021
June 14 – 18, 2021 at Double Eagle II Airport

Participants are invited for a Young Eagles flight June 19

2021 MEDIA RELEASE – Download

Double Eagle Aviation Academy 2021

Our 7th Double Eagle Aviation Academy (DEAA) offers another fun and challenging week at the airport!  Students ages 14 – 17 will explore a future in aviation. Students will learn about many facets of flying and airplanes:

  • learn about career opportunities in aviation from professionals
  • learn and practice reading weather reports
  • learn how to control pitch, roll, and yaw
  • learn the importance of balancing weight in the plane
  • learn and practice interpreting the instrument “Six Pack”
  • learn how aluminum structures are designed to be strong
  • learn what is inside the motors of airplanes
  • learn the legs of a traffic pattern
  • learn and practice communicating at non-towered and towered airports
  • learn and practice assembling a simple electrical wiring circuit
  • learn and practice riveting and rolling aluminum to make part of an aileron
  • learn and practice conducting an aircraft pre-flight inspection
  • learn and practice planning a flight
  • visit the Double Eagle control tower
  • fly with one of our Chapter members on a special Young Eagles rally on the Saturday following

The doors will open at 8:15 AM with time to meet pilots and spend time talking about and sitting in different airplanes each morning. Class starts at 9:00 AM. There will be morning and afternoon snacks and lunch is provided. Each day will end at 4:15 PM. A student notebook with the contents of all the presentations is provided to each student. If you are interested in aviation, this is an exceptional opportunity to discover the possibilities.

Questions?  Let us know.  Contact us at 


DEAA was first offered in 2013, created by Joyce Woods who oversaw presentations in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. After a year’s hiatus, it was offered again in 2019, it was skipped in 2020 due to COVID, and resumed in 2021.

DEAA 2019 Memories  

Thanks to the over 50 chapter volunteers, guest speakers, pilots with aircraft displays, donors, and reception participants!  And especially thanks for an attentive group of students and supportive parents!  

DEAA 2017 – A week to remember!

KUDOS to the over 50 volunteers from the area pilot community who annually share their time, aircraft, enthusiasm, experience, and advice with DEAA students!  

Thanks to our over 50 volunteers and generous DEAA sponsors!   
Aspen Avionics, Van’s AircraftDavid Clark, Aircraft Spruce, Bode Aviation, NMDOT Aviation Division, The City of Albuquerque,  Best Buy (Eubank), Costco (Coors Bypass), Smiths (Golf Course Rd) and several individual EAA179 members and friends who donated student tuition.

Updated 06/10/2021-jmw