Category Archives: Scholarships

Information for Prospective Scholarship Applicants

Youth and Young Adult Aviation Scholarships

If you are serious about a future in aviation and are 15 to 25 years old, consider preparing to apply for 2025 Scholarships. Watch here for announcements about the application deadline and other information. The window for receiving applications begins January 1.

How to Apply

On January 1, the online application form will be available via link that will be provided here.
—- The maximum award per individual for 2025 is $2,000.
—- HINT:   Start early! Review requirements in advance.
—- If you have any difficulty with this application process or the form itself, contact us at

How Can These Scholarships Be Used?

The Albuquerque Chapter 179 of the Experimental Aircraft Association presents annual scholarship awards to candidates pursuing aviation education including flight training, A&P certification, etc. Applicants must be 15 to 25 years old and be a resident of New Mexico. The amount and number of grants are determined each year and contingent on available funding. Applications must be received by February 15, 2025. Recipients will be notified and awarded certificates at a chapter event in March or April.  Scholarships must be focused on their aviation endeavors and are paid directly to the school or instructor on behalf of the student recipient.

Examples of how these funds may be used:
—- Working toward certification including CFI fees, aircraft rental, and tuition
—- FAA testing fees
—- FAA textbooks, online and printed study guides, and other material related to the recipient’s scholarship endeavors

Scholarship funds cannot be used for general studies and school expenses. Good luck; we relish the opportunity to support you in your aviation endeavors!

Scholarship History

EAA Chapter 179 awarded over $130,000 in scholarships to 53 recipients from 2017 through 2024, including Chapter 179 Scholarships, Air Academy tuition, and Ray Scholarships. For more information about these scholarships, return to Scholarships Offered by EAA Chapter 179.

Scholarship Awards by Year
EAA Air Academy (Oshkosh) Scholarship Recipients
Ray Scholarship Recipients

Awards by Year        (Go to TOP)

2024 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Jocelyn Muñiz – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Orion Francis – Reimer Memorial Scholarship
Daisy Belmares-Ortega – RC “Doc” Weaver Memorial Scholarship
Ashlee Simkins – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Isabella Baldonado – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Alex Martinez – Advanced Air Academy Scholarship
Dominic Martinez – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship
Ava Diaz – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

2023 Aviation Scholarship Recipients

Michael Wang – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Isabella Baldonado – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Sophia McIntyre – Reimer Memorial Scholarship
Benjamin DeGuio – Reimer Memorial Scholarship
Christian Guerra – RC “Doc” Weaver Leadership Scholarship
Daisy Belmares Ortega – Luke Vaughn Aviation Scholarship
Nathanial Parks – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
William Reese – Advanced Air Academy Scholarship
Mia Alderete – Advanced Air Academy Scholarship
Christian Guerra – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

2022 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Scott Hofmann – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Scarlette McIntyre – Reimer Memorial Scholarship
Ashlee Simkins – RC “Doc” Weaver Leadership Scholarship

Daisy Belmares Ortega – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Veronica Bearup – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship
Mia Alderete – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

2021 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Scott Hofmann – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Everett Taylor – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Vladislav Sevostianov – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

Sergio Morales – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Luke Vaughn – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

2020 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Jacob Edington – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Jesus Perez – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Madison Thompson – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Sophie Haag – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Sophia Haag – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship
Jacob Edington – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

2019 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Taylor Jenkins – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Matthew McKelvey – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Kiera Bethke – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Samuel Cortes – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Christian Orehek – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Rowan Phlieger – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Alec Villarreal – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Rowan Phlieger – EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

2018 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Madison Thompson – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Kyle Usiak  –  Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Luke McKee – EAA 179 Scholarship
Sam E. Baczkiewicz –  EAA 179 Scholarship

2017 Aviation Scholarship Recipients     Presentation (pdf)
Zachary Andrews – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Nathan Mendoza – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Moloney – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Nicholas Pashenkov – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Kasia Segieda – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

2016 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Riley Brainard – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Joshua Skeen – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Moloney- George Applebay Memorial Scholarship
Isaac Wilson – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

2015 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Joel Stribling – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Volgenin-Kulikoff – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Isaac Wilson – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

2014 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Gerald Gayle – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Ruth Darsey – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Seth Rozzelle – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

2013 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Leigh Tu – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Jeffrey Salazar – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Connor Welch – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

2011 Aviation Scholarship Recipients
Justin Denman – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Maya Robinson – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

EAA Air Academy (Oshkosh) Scholarship Recipients      (Go to TOP)

2024     Alex Martinez
2023     Mia Alderete and William Reese

2021     Scott Morgan and Nicholas Romo  (cancelled)
2020     Scott Morgan and Nicholas Romo  (cancelled)
2019     Joel Inventor and Jesus Perez
2018     Alec Villereal
2017     Sam Baczkiewicz
2016     Ryan Moloney
2015     Ryan Moloney, Ash Fried
2014     Mark Chappell

Ray Scholarship Recipients    (Go to TOP)

Since 2017 we have qualified for EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship grants now NINE times, supporting scholars to complete their Private Pilot certificate.

2024 RAY SCHOLAR, Dominic Martinez

“I got into aviation through a Young Eagles flight at Double Eagle. That one flight inspired me to look more into aviation and that is how I decided I wanted to get into the aviation industry. I decided to pursue flight training as the first step to getting to fly big commercial aircraft. I plan to be either an airline pilot or aeronautical engineer, maybe even both. As of right now I do not know what college I want to attend, but ASU would be at the top of the list.
I am super thankful for this opportunity, and can’t wait to see what lies ahead. “


2024 RAY SCHOLAR, Ava Diaz


2023 RAY SCHOLAR, Christian Guerra

Christian is a senior at Cleveland High School (December 2023) and has a plan to complete his private pilot certificate prior to heading off to college in about 8-9 months.  He has already been volunteering his time to assist the chapter (me) with the nuances of building and debugging Google Forms for our application process.  If you see him headed out to preflight, be sure to say hello and congratulate him on his Ray Scholarship award.

2022 RAY SCHOLAR, Mia Alderete

Mia is the 6th EAA Ray Scholarship winner for Chapter 179 since 2019.  Mia has a passion for flying and has a dedicated commitment to fly for one of the major airlines.  She’s just making great strides to get her PPL, having completed her first solo in June 2023. And has been accepted to Southwest’s training program to become ultimately a Southwest pilot.

2022 RAY SCHOLAR, Veronica Bearup

Veronica (Roni) had also received a Junior ROTC flight scholarship to a school in South Carolina.  And just like Luke, COVID and an instructor shortage had her returning to Albuquerque needing about 12-15 hours additional training to complete her Private Pilot’s License.  To further upset her aviation training, she moved to Nebraska and needed to complete her training and take her check ride there.  All’s well that ends well; Roni received her PPL on 2 July 2022.

2021 RAY SCHOLAR, Luke Vaughn

Luke was selected as Chapter 179’s fourth Ray Scholar in 3 years.  He began his flight training at the University of North Dakota, having previously won a Junior ROTC flight training scholarship.  Because of COVID and a shortage of flight instructors he returned to Albuquerque in the summer of ’21 needing his cross-country work to complete his Private Pilot’s License.  He completed license just 2 weeks before heading to the Air Force Academy, where he is in the 2026 graduating class.

Sophie Haag, 2020 Ray Scholar2020 RAY SCHOLAR, Sophia Haag

For 2020, Sophie Haag was selected, after she had already soloed on New Year’s Day 2020.  Sophie proceeded to complete her written exam and passed her Private Pilot check ride in August 2020! Congrats Sophie!

Sophie is now a member  of the class of 2025 at the US Air Force Academy and will pursue her dream of becoming a military pilot very soon.  Congrats Sophie!

2020 RAY SCHOLAR,  Jacob Edington

With remaining funds, Chapter 179 selected Jacob Edington as a second 2020 Ray Scholar.  Jacob had just started his flight training, using the chapter scholarship. Unfortunately, Jacob had a serious accident riding his bicycle one day and had to curtail his flight training before heading off to college in Texas.

2019 RAY SCHOLAR, Rowan Phlieger

Chapter 179 was awarded EAA’s 2019 Ray Aviation Fund Scholarship. Rowan Phlieger was selected from 2019 chapter scholarship applicants to receive this $10,000 flight training scholarship to complete Private Pilot training. Rowan completed her PPL over the summer in time to start at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ.

Donate Button with Credit CardsWant to Contribute?  DONATE TODAY! We appreciate donations of any amount to our main scholarship fund, the Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship, or Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship. Chapter 179 is a 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization.  Donate online or send a check to “EAA 179 Scholarships; Double Eagle II Airport, 7401 Atrisco Vista Blvd NW #179, Albuquerque, NM 87120-6601”.              (Go to TOP)

Chapter 179 Scholarships – 2020

Congratulations to recipients and best wishes for achieving your aviation goals!

We granted a total of $14,200 in chapter scholarships including two Air Academy full tuition scholarships.  This includes our chapter’s $5000 match to guarantee receiving a 2020 Ray Scholarship grant.  Meet the Recipients! (PDF file)

Chapter Scholarships

Jacob Edington
Jesus Perez
Madison Thompson
Sophie Haag

2020 Ray Aviation Scholars

Sophie Haag
Jacob Edington

EAA Air Academy Scholarship Recipients rescheduled for 2021

Scott  Morgan
Nicholas Romo

Donate Button with Credit Cards
Want to Contribute?  DONATE TODAY!  We appreciate donations of any amount to our main scholarship fund, the Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship, or Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship. Chapter 179 is a 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization.  Donate online or send a check to “EAA  179 Scholarship”; P.O. Box 3583; Albuquerque, NM 87190.

EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

EAA Chapter 179 qualified for participation in EAA’s Ray Aviation Scholarship program for the past six years (2019–2024), enabling us to support flight students through their Private or Glider Pilot check ride.  We were granted two Ray Scholarships to award in 2025.  Candidates must be a student pilot age 15-19 who aspires to earn a Private or Glider Pilot certificate within the coming year.

Ray Scholars now may receive up to $12,000 to be used for flight training expenses, whether pursuing flying as a career or hobby. In addition, recipients receive mentoring, support, and progress monitoring to ensure successful completion of flight training within the required 12 months. Recipients are expected to participate in Chapter activities, provide regular reports on progress, and achieve stringent flight training milestones.

The Chapter identifies candidates for the Ray Scholarship from among youth who are energetically engaged in aviation activities such as enrolled in or completed aviation education courses, who participate in local aviation related organizations, who are enthusiastic to become a pilot and who can make it a priority. Ray Scholarship recipients are typically selected from Chapter 179 Scholarship applicants or may be nominated by Chapter members.

For additional information on the national EAA Ray Aviation Scholar program, see EAA’s info for chapters:  Scholar Eligibility and Requirements (


New Pilots – 2022-2023 EAA 179 Ray Scholarship Recipients
For 2022 & 2023 the Chapter selected three aspiring pilots to receive EAA 179 Ray Scholarships. Read about their accomplishments by clicking on their names below. Read about our other Ray Scholars here.

Christian Guerrra
Mia Alderete Veronica Bearup

Questions? Email us:

Donate Button with Credit CardsLike what you see?  DONATE TODAY! We appreciate donations of any amount to our main scholarship fund, the Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship, or Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship funds. Chapter 179 is a 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization.   Donate online or send a check to “EAA 179 Scholarships; Double Eagle II Airport, 7401 Atrisco Vista Blvd NW #179, Albuquerque, NM 87120-6601”.

EAA Advanced Air Academy Scholarships

EAA Chapter 179 supports a full tuition scholarship to attend the EAA Advanced Air Academy in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. If you are interested in any of EAA’s Air Academies, let us know at

The weeklong Air Academy provides an atmosphere for mature students to become totally immersed in the world of flight while housed at the EAA’s Air Academy Lodge. Ground instruction and introductory recreation flight experiences highlight this meaningful, action-packed week. It combines “in-the-air” and “on-the-ground” hands-on activities. Attendees also have an opportunity to experience EAA’s AirVenture.

An important criterion is the applicant’s commitment to pursuing aviation. An application that describes personal accomplishments or work-in-progress assist the committee selection. For example, for those with a goal of becoming a pilot, EAA offers a guide for attaining a pilot certificate (“Pilot Training Steps“); progress on such activities may demonstrate commitment. 

NOTE:  Additional Air Academies are conducted all summer in Oshkosh for various age groups (Young Eagles, Basic, and Advanced) and one can apply directly for EAA national scholarships.  All the details at:  EAA Air Academy.

APPLY BY Feb 15:   If you are age 16, 17, or 18 and interested in attending EAA Advanced Air Academy, apply for the EAA 179 Chapter Scholarship and indicate “tuition for the EAA Air Academy” for your intended use of funds. Recipient is responsible for providing transportation to Oshkosh and return. Assistance to cover travel may be available via separate scholarship application to EAA HQ.

Questions? Email us at:

Donate Button with Credit CardsDONATE TODAY!  We encourage donations of any amount to our main scholarship fund, the Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship, or Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship. Chapter 179 is a 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization.  Donate online or send a check to “EAA 179 Scholarships; Double Eagle II Airport, 7401 Atrisco Vista Blvd NW #179, Albuquerque, NM 87120-6601”.

Chapter 179 Aviation Scholarship Program

 2025 Application is LIVE!  Apply by Feb 15, 2025
First Step: sign in with (or create) a Google Account. 

Albuquerque Chapter 179 of the Experimental Aircraft Association awards scholarships annually to candidates pursuing aviation education as a career or hobby including flight training, A&P certification, or other activities for applicants’` intent on entering an aviation-related occupation. The amount and number of grants are determined each year and contingent on available funding. Recipients will be notified and awarded at our March Chapter Gathering. Applications for our Aviation Scholarship program are accepted Jan 1 – Feb 15 each year.

To qualify, you must:

  • Be 15 to 25 years of age and a resident of New Mexico.
  • Describe your interest in aviation and your future including your aviation goal(s), how much ($) you are requesting, specific justification for how it will be spent, any connections to EAA Chapter 179, any aviation experience and achievements, and how you will give back to the community after reaching your goals.
  • Provide a copy of an unofficial school transcript.
  • Provide at least one reference letter (no more than three) from someone other than a family member who is familiar with your motivation, ability, and potential regarding aviation.

An important criteria is the applicant’s commitment to pursuing aviation. An application that describes personal accomplishments or work-in-progress assist the committee selection. For example, for those with a goal of becoming a pilot, EAA offers a guide for attaining a pilot certificate (“Pilot Training Steps“); progress on such activities may demonstrate commitment. Scholarship funds cannot be used for general studies and school expenses. Funds are paid directly to the school or instructor.  Examples of how these funds may be used: 

  • Working toward certification including CFI fees, aircraft rental, and tuition
  • FAA testing fees
  • FAA textbooks, online and printed study guides, and other material related to the recipient’s scholarship endeavors

Questions?  Email us at: EAA 179 Scholarship

Donate Button with Credit CardsLike what we’re doing?   You Can Help! >We appreciate donations of any amount to our main scholarship fund, the Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship, Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship, “Doc” Weaver Memorial Scholarship, or Reimer Memorial Scholarship funds. Chapter 179 is a 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization.  Donate online or send a check to “EAA 179 Scholarship; Double Eagle II Airport, 7401 Atrisco Vista Blvd NW #179, Albuquerque, NM 87120-6601”.

Scholarships Offered by EAA Chapter 179

2025 Application is LIVE!  Apply by Feb 15, 2025
Go Here for Details

2023 Ray Scholar Recipient Christian Guerra
celebrating  successful completion of his check ride, now the proud holder of a
Private Pilot license.

EAA Chapter 179 is dedicated to introducing youth to aviation and supporting advancement of their aviation education through scholarships. Click on the following links for information and application instructions for the three programs that we administer:

  • Chapter 179 Aviation Scholarships:  For 2024 we awarded scholarships totaling $33,000! These cover expenses related to flight training, A&P certification, or other educational programs for New Mexico applicants up to 25 years of age, pursuing a future in aviation. Applications are accepted via our Aviation Scholarship program, Jan 1  Feb 15 each year. 
  • EAA Advanced Air Academy:  EAA 179 covers full tuition for a New Mexico youth ages 16 – 18 to this week-long program in Oshkosh, Wisconsin which overlaps with EAA’s AirVenture, the world’s biggest aviation celebration. Applications are accepted via our Aviation Scholarship program, Jan 1  Feb 15 each year.  More details.
  • EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship:  In 2019, 2020, 2021 2022, 2023, and 2024, EAA selected our chapter to award this prestigious scholarship of up to $12,000 to help student pilots age 15 – 19 achieve their Private Pilot certificate in glider or powered airplane. We hope to continue to qualify for these annual grants.

Chapter 179 has awarded over $130.000 in scholarships to fifty-five recipients from 2017 through 2024, including Chapter 179 Scholarships, Air Academy Tuition, and EAA’s Ray Scholarships.  Since 2017 we qualified for participation in the EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship program nine times with grants up to $12,000 supporting our scholars to complete their Private Pilot certificate.

Scholarship Recipient History

For grant history and inspiring stories of past 179 scholarship recipients, click here.

Funding Relies on Generous Donors

Chapter scholarships are funded by a combination of donations and from funds from activities throughout the year.  We’re proud to say that most recipients have proceeded towards their goals.

Donate Button with Credit CardsLike what you see? Want to Contribute?  We appreciate donations of any amount to our main scholarship fund, the Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship, Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship, “Doc” Weaver Memorial Scholarship, or Reimer Memorial Scholarship funds. Chapter 179 is a 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization. Donate online or send a check to “EAA 179 Scholarships; Double Eagle II Airport, 7401 Atrisco Vista Blvd NW #179, Albuquerque, NM 87120-6601”.

EAA Chapter 179 Scholarships – old

Chapter Aviation Scholarships

2021 Scholarship Flyer

EAA 179 Scholarship Info-2021

Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 179 awards scholarships each year to applicants 25 years of age or less, currently seeking aviation education such as flight training, A&P certification, etc. The amount and number of grants are determined by our Board of Directors each year, contingent on funding available. Funds are paid directly to the school/instructor on behalf of the recipient.  All applications to be completed online.


2019 Chapter 179 Aviation Scholarship Award Recipients

Taylor Jenkins – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
Matthew McKelvey – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
Kiera Bethke – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Samuel Cortes – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Christian Orehek – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Rowan Phlieger – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
Alec Villarreal – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

2019 EAA Advanced Air Academy Tuition Recipients

Joel Inventor
Jesus Perez


Chapter 179 was awarded EAA’s 2019 Ray Aviation Fund Scholarship. Rowan Phlieger was selected from 2019 chapter scholarship applicants to receive this $10,000 flight training scholarship to complete Private Pilot training. CONGRATULATIONS on achieving your PPL over the summer! 

Read about eligibility requirements for Ray Scholars HERE.

Submitting Applications for 2020 Scholarships

Applications for 2020 Scholarships are to be submitted using an Online Form, where you will find further information and the application form. Applications will be accepted through February 15, 2020;  recipients will be notified by the March Chapter 179 meeting when awards will be presented.

To qualify, you must:

  • Be 25 years of age or less and be a resident of New Mexico.
  • In 2 pages or less, describe  your interest in aviation and your future including how much ($) you are requesting, JUSTIFY specifically how it will be spent, your aviation goals, any connections to EAA Chapter 179, level of aviation experience and achievements, and how you will give back to the community after reaching your goals.
  • Provide a copy of an unofficial school transcript.
  • Provide at least one reference letter (no more than three) from someone other than a family member who is familiar with your motivation, ability, and potential regarding aviation. Scan and upload both as PDF files.

Wish to Apply?  Browse to the Application Form
  Send to

Donate Button with Credit Cards
We encourage and accept donations of any amount to our general scholarship fund,  the Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship, or Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship funds. Chapter 179 is a 501c(3) tax exempt charitable organization.  Thus, all donations are fully TAX DEDUCTIBLE. To send a check, make it out to “EAA  179 Scholarship”  and mail to EAA Chapter 179; P.O. Box 3583; Albuquerque, NM 87190.

For scholarships to EAA’s Air Academy, click here.


Meet our 2017 Recipients – click for presentation

2017 Aviation Scholarship Recipients:  $1500

  • Zachary Andrews – Jay Schmitt Memorial Scholarship
  • Nathan Mendoza – Bob Hartman Memorial Scholarship
  • Ryan Moloney – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
  • Nicholas Pashenkov – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship
  • Kasia Segieda – EAA 179 Aviation Scholarship

2017 EAA Advanced Air Academy Tuition Recipients:  $1455

  • Larissa “Lacey” Stickney
  • Sam Baczkewicz